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活成一道温暖的光 Light of life

100次浏览     发布时间:2024-11-12 10:32:11    


Please don't worry, of course, we all know that winter is not a very cruel season that may be just about being cold and lonely. We all hope for warm love and good luck this winter. And the beauty of winter should be felt and experienced with the people who we really love.


There are a lot of delicious food in the hot pots and all kinds of fresh vegetables or fruit. People could choose to wear thick clothes and cotton pajamas comfortably at home. Because the season of winter is all about being willing to get closer to kind people and beautiful things. If it is a fine day, the weather is sunny and bright, it will bring more good feelings to people's hearts than all the beautiful music and brilliant poems.


We all have plenty of good and warm memories of winter in life. Try to be more cheerful and optimistic , always try your best to take care of yourselves, even if you have to live alone in this winter.

虽然我们是有点儿害怕寒冷的天气,与突然而至的狂风暴雪,但在覆盖着整个世界的一片片纯洁银白色冰天雪地中,我们仍然热爱着这个带有着自然的某种神秘力量独属于冬天的季节。宇宙规律世上万事万物,人们需要在春天去努力付出和播种,夏天才会生机勃勃地生长,秋天人们可以收割满满的收获,最终冬天我们能够一起幸福地品尝!人生四季轮回,世间岁月流转, 一切人世间的美好都将在冬天收藏存储与沉淀积累。

Although we are a little bit afraid of the cold weather, we still love the season of winter in our hearts. May our lives be blessed with love, warmth, happiness and miracles.


We like the coming Christmas and New Year's Eve, we like furry clothes and all of the small and beautiful objects about winter. People like the color of sunflowers and the warmth of the sun, let us live our brilliant life together. Then let us be grateful that we are still alive in this beautiful world. After all, life is a very happy thing for all of us.


All of the people in the world may feel that winter is still very hopeful, after all, if winter comes, spring will not be far away from us. We all know that happiness comes from the satisfaction with life, and gratitude comes from the feeling of happiness. Because of the help and care, people feel very happy in life; because of the understanding and thankfulness , we feel so warm in the world. We believe that every day in our life that we meet each other is always worth being grateful for!


Let us wait for the white snow , the shiny Christmas trees , the New Year's fireworks, the happy family reunions with all of our family members and close friends, and of course, the better of all of us. Try to work hard this winter, and try our best to to meet the best of ourselves. Remember to love ourselves in our new life. We will make a good living in this cold season and have a great life in the cold world. Let us welcome and cherish the warmest companion together in the world.